Adding life to years
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Municipality of Las Heras

Municipality of Las Heras

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Municipality of Las Heras  Argentina
Print this page City population: 20750720 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The Municipality of Las Heras has been implementing different policies, actions and services oriented to the older adults of our community.
Specifically, those older adults with social and medical coverage have access to various benefits and programs offered by the Municipality together with the INSSJP- PAMI and OSEP, such as gerontological assistance to older adults living in their homes. Moreover, the Division of Older Adults of the Department of Las Heras articulates the means in order to guarantee those specific benefits to the different retirement centers as well as providing the necessary trainings to the human resources that are responsible of providing these services.

In regards to those older adults without social or medical coverage the Municipality of Las Heras is working together with the Division of Older Adults of the Province of Mendoza by offering counseling and palliative support.

Moreover, the Division of Older Adults carries out various activities oriented to the recreation of older adults. Some of the activities for our older adults are: summer schools; handicrafts workshops; weaving workshops; tourism; exchange with other retirement centers of different districts of the Municipality of Las Heras; organization of events that commemorate special dates such as grandfather and grandmother’s day or the day of awareness for good treatment of older adults. The Municipality of Las Heras also provides advice and support in all that refers to the arrangement of national and provincial social security procedures.

The Municipality of Las Heras looks forward to generate awareness inside the community on the importance that the older adult has in our society.

Strategy and Action Plan


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