Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Malmedy  Belgium
Print this page City population: 1270827 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The City of Malmedy works in partnership with the Council of Seniors and the Commission People with disabilities and with Reduced Mobility”. There are also connections between services: the municipal service “Health and Social care” and the Social cohesion scheme, and the Social assistance office (CPAS).
Malmedy supports the pensioners’ associations and the voluntary retired people, it helped to start the new association “l’Université Des Aînés”.
The Council of Seniors developed agGuide full of information and contacts for retired people.
The city organises information and leisure activities for Seniors (conferences about self-defense and road safety by the Police, a training about First-aid by the local Red-Cross, a Conference about the will and inheritance rights by a notary public, a presentation of the service vouchers system and its options, a Health week with dietary tips and sport activities, the Annual Seniors’ party, monthly Senior-friendly activities in the public library and in the movie theater) and organises Facilitations for Seniors (a special room for Carnival, connections with several municipal associations, weekly language and musical Courses before 18:00).
In 2012 and 2018, the City was recognized for its accessibility efforts for People with Reduced Mobility during 6 years.
In the future, the City pursues its efforts, in particular by leading the “Malmedy, commune amie des aînés” complete program.

Some projects to be implemented for seniors: a volunteers’ platform, a new car-pooling system for the most disadvantaged people (over and under 65), provision of adequate light according to the environment and the activity in the evening, provision in the municipality of a single phone number to give and receive important information.

Baseline Assessment


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