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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Maia  Portugal
Print this page City population: 13530613 % over 60Joined Network in 2013

Since the 1990s, the Municipality of Maia has been promoting activities especially aimed at the elderly residents in the municipality, covering areas as diverse as leisure, culture, sport and physical activity, and intergenerational encounters, with the clear objective of promoting active and healthy ageing on both individual and collective levels to combat isolation and loneliness.

There are several examples of this, namely the geriatric park in the city centre, the various thematic workshops, the bibliobus, video cycles, the home help service for small repairs, family games, senior tourism and dancing afternoons, amongst others.

A key initiative is the Maia Senior Club, established in 2003 to extend the practice of physical activity to the entire population aged over 60 years. This built on the promotion of physical activity to nursing homes and day centres in the municipality since 1997. The Maia Senior Club sees over 1500 seniors who practice general physical activity, including aerobics, tai-chi-chuan, ballroom, hydrotherapy and bocce, regularly throughout the year in the various municipal structures.

Baseline Assessment


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