Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Luzern  Switzerland
Print this page City population: 8226025 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

Home to some 82,000 people, Lucerne is the seventh largest city in Switzerland. For many years, it has also been amongst the Swiss cities with the largest proportion of older residents. Forecasts suggest that around 8,700 inhabitants in Lucerne – out of a total population of some 89,000 – will be aged 80 and over by 2045. Overall, Lucerne’s over-65 contingent will grow by around 48% over the next 25 years. Around 75% of people aged between 85 and 94 in Lucerne still live in their own home, but this figure drops to 49% for people over the age of 94.

The city of Lucerne is currently running a pilot project to provide additional funding in the form of vouchers and credit to allow older people to stabilise or improve their living situation. Alongside financial support, the city of Lucerne also runs an independent information and advice centre called ‘Anlaufstelle Alter’ that older people and their family members can contact if they have any questions or concerns. Home visits can also be arranged through the centre to assess living situations.

The city of Lucerne is furthermore committed to including the older generation in political, social and cultural life. For example, the ‘Luzern60plus’ forum has existed as a permanent specialist committee with its own legal basis since 2011. The some 70 members can suggest ideas relating to the city’s old-age strategy and ensure that the interests of the older generation are fairly represented.

Under the four-year development concept dedicated to the issue of ageing in Lucerne called ‘Altern in Luzern’ (2012–2016), a range of participatory sub-projects were run in the city’s neighbourhoods actively involving older residents in efforts to further the local age-friendly strategy. Building on the ‘Altern in Luzern’ development concept, a wide range of services for older people has evolved over the years, arranged and coordinated by the ‘Fachstelle für Altersfragen’, a centre specialising in issues related to ageing.

In 2020, the city of Lucerne carried out a representative survey of the over-65 population. The results confirm that the city of Lucerne is already very age-friendly and also demonstrated that there is potential for improvement. In the next step, the findings in the various areas for action will be discussed and weighted with the responsible bodies within the city administration and external service providers. This is envisaged to give rise to an action plan including specific measures.