Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Longford  Ireland
Print this page City population: 4087319.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

The County Longford Age Friendly Strategy 2015-2020 was developed by the Longford Age Friendly Alliance in consultation and co-operation with older people in Longford. The Alliance was formally established in 2015 and is made up of senior personnel in public sector agencies, older people’s representatives and other organisations that promote a positive approach to ageing. An Older persons Council has been established for the past year and has spearheaded the delivery of a number of initiatives.

– The Local Link Bus Service schedule has improved and increased to more rural areas. Travel is free to holders of free travel passes over the age of 66 yrs.

– The Crime Prevention Ambassador Programme:- The Pilot Longford Crime Prevention Ambassador Programme is a partnership led by An Garda Siochana, Longford County Council, Longford Age Friendly Alliance and Longford Older Persons Council supported by Community Alert and Neighbourhood Watch. This initiative involves volunteer Crime Prevention Ambassadors who are provided with training on safety and security by the Longford Community Policing Unit and are given Information pack for distribution among older people living in their neighbourhood – therefore the programme is led by older people who offer peer support. The primary purpose of the initiative is to raise awareness among the older members of the community about issues of safety and security in the home and reduce fear and anxiety for those living alone or experiencing loneliness or rural isolation. This initiative has gained national interest and recently won a National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Award 2017/2018.

– During Positive Aging Week there are many initiatives organised throughout the County of Longford including an Information/networking day which invites age friendly service providers and agencies to gather in one place and provide information and assistance to older persons.

– Bealtaine Festival also incorporates many events for our older persons to add value and enrichment to their lives.

– Longford Sports Partnership continues to support and provide a “Go For Life Programme” which is aimed at encouraging older people to engage in physical activity.

– Library Initiatives – Libraries throughout the County of Longford provide basic IT literacy skills to older people and they also run an ongoing programme of events Knit and Stitch groups, Book clubs, Writers groups, Arthritis Association, Dementia Awareness week etc..

– The Longford Age Friendly Business town has been rolled out in Longford Town and there are plans to roll it out to the Ballymahon and Granard towns.

– The Local Authority has worked with Voluntary Housing Associations to provide sheltered development for older people and also provide other forms of assistance through grants for people with disabilities, Mobility Aid Grants, and other Housing Aid.

– Longford County Council Engineer and members of our Older Persons Council, and Disability Action groups have conducted a walkability study of Longford Town to identify any issues that may affect older persons.
Public Realm training has been delivered for key local authority senior staff.
– A fridge magnet was developed incorporating all emergency numbers for distribution to older persons.

– A directory of all relevant contact numbers is being developed by our Older Persons Council and will soon be published.