Adding life to years
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London Borough of Hackney

London Borough of Hackney

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

London Borough of Hackney  United Kingdom
Print this page City population: 27966511 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Hackney’s Ageing Well Strategy, which was approved by the Council’s Cabinet in December 2020 sets out the Council’s vision for ‘becoming an age-friendly borough where older residents feel empowered, informed, valued and supported through age-friendly communities and services and specialist care as the need arises’. The strategy also outlines the approach the Council will take to promote and accomplish this over the next five years. It is about catering for the wide range of people aged 55+ through age friendly policies, building a community that values and includes older people, benefits from their contributions and supports them in their later years.

There are five prominent enablers for action that run through the strategy and are essential to this ambition. They are:
– shared approaches
– joined up working within the council and with partners
– joining up and pooling different programmes of work and commitments.
– reviewing and improving communication and information flows
– and ensuring the continued involvement of older people. This is not just in service design but also oversight and governance of the strategy itself.

To proactively support older people, there are seven strategic priorities focused on:
– Social and civic participation and respect
– Health and wellbeing
– Housing
– Public spaces and transport
– Employment and skills
– Safeguarding, safety and security
– Hackney Council as an employer and the support we give to our older workforce.

The strategy also aims to provide and build on opportunities for greater intergenerational activity, social participation, civic inclusion and localised support through partnership working. For example building digital skills, working with businesses to create more age-friendly high streets and utilising and promoting community assets to residents.


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