Adding life to years
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Lo Prado

Lo Prado

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Lo Prado  Chile
Print this page City population: 9624924 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

The Mayor of Lo Prado has a special concern for the elderly, having as main axes of his management “Better Services, More Information and Participation”, in the latter is where he promotes the participation of the elderly in the processes of decision, inclusion, health, culture, recreation and protection of rights.

Within this framework, milestone activities such as Social Tourism are developed, which include an all-inclusive recreation day, aimed at Organizations whose partners are 60 years of age and older, covering approximately 1900 people. Likewise, celebration activity that takes place in October, aimed at seniors of the elderly club, the Links Program, Meeting House for the Elderly and others. Along with this, a variety of workshops including painting, crafts, pastry, sewing, digital literacy, yoga, gymnastics, cognitive workshops, theater with an elderly theater company called Agrupación Cultura y Teatral de Senioros de Lo Prado. Within the framework of the information, periodic visits are carried out in the clubs for the elderly and the Senior Protection Campaign, where the human rights of the elderly are promoted and the abuse and what to do is visible, where to go.

Finally, this year the Observer organization presented a communal Ordinance before the Mayor and City Council, focused on the protection of the rights of the elderly, being approved. The office of senior citizen of the Municipality of Lo Prado, has considered in 2020 planning the creation of community radio station for the elderly and training. This radio station will be located in Casa de Encounter del Mayor Adult, headquarters of the Communal Union of Older Adults.

Baseline Assessment