Adding life to years
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Liverpool City Region Combined Authority

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority  United Kingdom
Print this page City population: 153100024 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

The Liverpool City Region is an international brand, with a social conscience, where the ingenuity and creativity of its people is helping to shape our vision for a great place to age.

Recent devolution the Liverpool City Region gives us the opportunity to realise the potential of all our citizens, and to tackle some of the health and social inequalities that affect our region.

In 2017 our Metro Mayor appointed a Mayoral advisor for Equalities and established a Fairness and Social Justice Advisory Board to ensure that our decisions and policies deliver a fairer and more equal City Region.

Through our principle of ‘Engagement First’ older citizens are actively helping to shape our strategies and policies. Our Local Industrial Strategy will set out to meet the specific needs of an ageing population and workforce. Our 2019 Housing Statement established our vision for quality housing that supports the requirements of our changing population. Our Spatial Development Strategy will be a 15 year planning framework for the City Region that will establish how spatial planning policies will help our Age Friendly communities develop and thrive.

Metro Mayor, Steve Rotheram supported the development of a City Region wide Older Peoples Group, an organically formed and self-organised voice for the sector drawn from existing community groups, and whose leaders now serve as the Age Friendly Liverpool City Region Steering Group.

We have already taken specific steps to support older people in our community including:
• Provision of the UK’s most generous public transport concessionary travel scheme outside of London
• Our forthcoming fleet of trains which will be the most accessible in the country
• An ongoing programme of rail station accessibility improvements
• To increase the representative voice of our older people we launched a new online ‘Network 55+’ in 2020.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan