Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Levanger  Norway
Print this page City population: 1990212 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

The municipal masterplan , interconnected to all part-plans, is clearly defined as our plan for public health and health equity. Health and wellbeing for all citizens, at all ages, is placed at the core of societal development. The vision of the strategy is to achieve “Quality of life and growth” in our municipalities, where growth refers to maximize human potential across the life-span as well as positive development for society as a whole.
The vision is supported by four societal goals:
• Our two municipalities are good communities to live in for a whole lifetime, and everyone feel as a valued part of the community
• All children must be given the best possible start in life
• All the inhabitants feel secure, they have control of their everyday life and they have added several active years of life with good health and well-being
• Our municipalities are a force for development in a sustainable and robust part of Central Norway
According our policies, Levanger municipality have several initiatives and activities aimed at improving age-friendiness across sectors. Examples are cultural activities for senoirs, such as dancing grops and rythmic traning groups, choires for seniors, enhancing accessability in parks and green spaces, putting out benches and accessable plases to rest to make it easiser for older people to walk distances, improving public transportation, and improve service and literacy for older people in health and care services. However, we still have enormous potential for improvments across sectors. Especially, enhancing literacy in commuication and digialization of services is an area that need to be addressed. Reducing loneliness amongst seniors is also a problem that needs to be addressed.
Levanger Senior Council is actively involved in policy-prosesses at all levels in the municipality.

Baseline Assessment