Adding life to years
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Las Condes

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Las Condes  Chile
Print this page City population: 6180521 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

The Direction of Communnity developement is performing diverse activities aiming to improve the quality of life of our senior neighbors and their families, among them:
– Priority access in health attention in outpatient benefits, medical consultancy, test and procedures in Clinica Cordillera. This can be supported with economical benefitcs from the Seniors Departament.
– Set of “Las Condes first aid kit” including a immediate stock of 890 firs needed medicine. This is totally free for the senior neighbors with they “Tarjeta Vecino”.
– Improving of housing , repair, maintenance and bathroom adaptation to allow wheelchairs, avoiding fall or risk. This is supported from de Department of Social Services in coordination withe Department of Seniors.
– Electric buses, with low ambiental impact, adaptated to seniors and their special needs, totally free of charge
– Access to new technologies and computer workshops in basic, intermediate and advanced level. This is service have a very low cost for seniors and in exceptional cases can be totally free of cost.
– Courses and workshops in diverse areas and cultural, recreational and touristic activities, current talks, guided visits, one day trips to several destinations. Shows in the Las Condes theater, cultural corporation and several thematic fairs.
– Monthly deliver of money help to seniors of sixty years and beyond in disability condition, in a socioeconomic deficit and out trait to obtain a basic social pension.
Family breathing service, aim in support families that takes care full time of a senior adult, in physical or cognitive dependence. It gives a integral service of psychosocial accompaniment of senior adults.
– Neighbors in Action” Brigades: This service seeks to generate a daily contact with adult neighbors over 80 years of age and older, living alone or accompanied by another adult older than 80 or more years, in order to generate permanent monitoring and accompaniment, and in the cases that are pertinent, link them to programs and / or social networks that improve their quality of life. The contact will be telephone, complemented by collaborative work in the field, through territorial organizations or other volunteers called to participate in this task