Adding life to years
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Lane Cove

Lane Cove

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Lane Cove  Australia
Print this page City population: 3200021 % over 60Joined Network in 2014

The Lane Cove Local Government Area is located 9 km from the centre of Sydney. It has a population of approximately 32,000 and close to 25% of people are aged 55 years and over. Council joined the WHO Network in June 2014 and has a vision to become an age-friendly community.

Council undertook the WHO initiative to assist its response to the challenges of an ageing population, and to foster an environment that promotes active ageing and community engagement.

Lane Cove has now developed its Age-Friendly Action Plan and established an Age-Friendly Advisory Committee consisting of three Councillors and nine Community Representatives. The purpose of the Committee is to oversee the implementation of the Council Age-Friendly Action Plan over three years.

The Age-Friendly Action Plan was developed from the suggestions for improving the age-friendliness of Lane Cove provided by the 450 people aged 55 years and older who participated in the consultation process. It contains goals, strategies and a large number of proposed actions for each domain.

The goals of the Action Plan are to:

  • Create an outdoor environment where older people can get out and about with ease and safety
  • Increase access to transport by older people
  • Increase the opportunities for older people to access appropriate and affordable housing options, including residential aged care, without leaving Lane Cove
  • Assist older people to feel they are respected and valued as members of the community, and are socially included rather than excluded or isolated
  • Enable older people to participate in social, recreation and leisure activities
  • Assist older people to be well informed and have access to the information they require
  • Assist older people to participate in community decisions, employment and volunteering
  • Connect older people with the community support and health services they require

To view the Lane Cove Age-Friendly Action Plan and see the progression of the plan in the Community Summaries please visit

For further information please contact Carol Sinclair, Manager Community Services, using the contact form below.

Commitment Letter
Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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