Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Kildare  Ireland
Print this page City population: 21031212 % over 60Joined Network in 2013

The Kildare Age Friendly Programme was launched in November 2010 and is now fully embedded in the workings of Kildare County Council.  The programme aims to work within existing community structures, networks and service providers in order to make Kildare a great county in which to grow old.  The programme is lead by the Kildare Age Friendly County Alliance, comprising older peoples representatives and senior decision makers from key public, private and not for profit organisations.   We want to be prepared for the future and future proof all services for ageing.

Older people have a very important role to play in this and to that end the Kildare Older Persons Council play an active role inputting in to all key policies and assisting in the roll out the “Kildare Age Friendly County Strategy 2019-2021”.

Kildare Age Friendly County is part of the National Shared Service Initiative, hosted by Meath County Council that is now being rolled out in the 31 County and City Councils across the country under the direction of Age Friendly Ireland.  There a number of really successful initiatives being delivered under the strategy which include, Age Friendly Walkability audits which identify key public realm opportunities to make towns and villages Age Friendly Spaces, one such example being the upgrade of roads, footpaths, lights, crossings and the provision of Age Friendly seating in Celbridge.  Athy will  now be the focus for 2020 to make it an Age friendly Town which includes the library, business recognition scheme, public realm works, upgrades to crossings, footpaths etc.  The new Primary Care Centre will be one of the First Age Friendly Primary Care Centres in the country.

Other key Health and Well being initiatives are being rolled out in partnership with Kildare Sports Partnership and the Health Service Executive.

Commitment Letter
Baseline Assessment


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