Adding life to years
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Kfar Saba

Kfar Saba

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Kfar Saba  Israel
Print this page City population: 10852719 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Kfar Saba is a largest city in the Sharon region of the central district of Israel. Since 2000, there has been an over 60% percent increase in the city’s aging population – growing faster than other age groups. In 2018, there were 19,742 people over the age of 65 living in the city, making up 18% of the city’s population, among them 12,700 are age 70 and over. The city’s next generation aged 55 and over numbers 31,522 people (30% of the city’ population).
Our policy vision aims to create an Age-Friendly Kfar Saba and to provide our senior citizens with a better quality of life, enabling them to participate in active lifestyles which promote healthy aging and community resilience in a friendly, safe and accessible environment.
Thus, between 2017 and 2018, the municipality of Kfar Saba designed a strategy and action plan as part of the city’s preparations to address the needs and rights of people as they age. Our design is based on what we learned from consultations with more than 100 seniors and senior organizations. The strategy informed three guiding principles which were identified as opportunities: building collaborations and inter-organizational activities; raising awareness and making information about events and services for seniors accessible; and enhancing intergenerational relations and solidarity. The plan proposes long and short term projects and services in four domains: employment, healthy aging, social engagement and recommendations regarding the physical and public environment.
The master-plan identified “ageing in place” as the main preference of the city’s seniors to enable their continued living at home and within their neighborhoods. Our future plans include incorporating two technological tools: a TV platform that aims to connect social clubs to bedridden elderly and an information system that aims to deliver updated information about services and events for the elderly.


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