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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Kerava  Finland
Print this page City population: 3672519 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

The City of Kerava’s strategic goal is to provide wellbeing and high-quality services to ensure satisfied residents. This goal will also be carried through in the Growing old in Kerava 2021-2030 programme determining how Kerava will foster the wellbeing of its older residents.

Kerava pursues 5 main goals when developing and carrying out age-friendly services. The goals are personnel qualifications, housing and living environment, functioning everyday life, leisure and hobbies and customer-oriented development of services.

Kerava offers courses and professional education to personnel working with older adults to ensure high-quality services and to provide customer-oriented approach. The goal for elderly housing is to enable safe and independent living as long as possible. Accessibility requirements are taken into consideration in all housing, city planning, and infrastructure projects and parks and other green areas invite older adults to enjoy an active lifestyle.

Residents are encouraged to participate and to take responsibility for their own and their family’s wellbeing by providing preventive health services for all ages. To help older adults maintain social contacts and wellbeing, the City of Kerava has invested in various leisure services, which including access to a free public library, the Sinkka Art Museum, sports and exercise facilities and opportunities, and courses and activities organized by the Adult Education Center.

To provide customer-oriented services, the City of Kerava has conducted a study to better understand how to develop services for older adults according to their needs and expectations. By anticipating the needs and direction of services, the City of Kerava can implement services for older adults when and where they are needed and therefore guarantee the greatest impact. Service processes and channels are developed together with older residents, for example, to create ways to use services digitally.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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