Adding life to years
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Kanagawa Prefectural Government

Kanagawa Prefectural Government

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Kanagawa Prefectural Government  Japan

In order to create a brighter future vision for the era of the super-aged society, Kanagawa, the second most populous prefecture in Japan adjacent to Tokyo, has been promoting a grand policy package called “Healthcare New Frontier (HCNF).”

HCNF is a bundle of healthcare and industrial/regional policies. Its key concept is “Curing ME-BYO,” the scope of which is something broader than that of “disease prevention” in the context of Western medicine. Combining this concept with the utilization of advanced medical treatment / information technology, we aim to achieve healthy longevity of the citizens and to create new markets and industries at the same time.

The Kanagawa Prefectural Government continues to work closely with WHO in many fields including age-friendly cities and communities, and intends to contribute to the international age-friendly network and to make the prefecture more age-friendly together with a growing number of cities in the region who are in line with WHO recommendations.


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