Adding life to years
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Jones County

Jones County

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Jones County  United States of America
Print this page City population: 2866917.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

In today’s fast-paced and bustling society, it may seem impossible to find a place that offers both tranquility and excitement within the same area. Jones County, in Middle Georgia, is such a place, offering businesses, families, and retirees an endearing and affordable lifestyle. Jones County currently provides 5311 Transit service that provides seniors with a safe ride to and from various locations in our region including medical facilities and shopping destinations. The Jones County Senior Center provides seniors with – among other things – low-cost meals, social interaction opportunities, arts and crafts, games, and field trips. In the past two years, the County has enhanced their recreation offerings for seniors including 1.7 miles of additional sidewalks and the construction of a 0.3-mile walking track in a county park. Seniors in Jones County also enjoy the various resources offered by our local library. It recently underwent a $1.75 million renovation that included the addition of numerous new computer terminals for public use. The Library offers computer classes that help patrons learn how to use their smart phones, tablets and laptops. The Library also has a section dedicated to large print and provides access to G.L.A.S.S. – Georgia Libraries for Accessible Statewide Services. Additionally, Jones County has a high percentage of seniors raising grandchildren. To support this special group of citizens, the Jones County School System and Jones County Family Connection have joined forces to create a Leaders in the Village (LIV) group. The LIV group meets quarterly to offer support, resources and networking for these residents.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan