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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Jaca  Spain
Print this page City population: 1343718 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

Jaca already counted with actions and activities specially devoted to older people. This is responsibility of the Seniors Department, leaded by the Councilor Olvido Moratinos, working in collaboration with the Autonomous Community of Aragón.
Activities include those dedicated to physical care (gym, dancing, yoga, etc.), those dedicated to participation (in citizen’s councils); those dedicated to social participation (trips, journes, etc); those dedicated to intergenerational activities; those dedicated to mental health (memory stimulation, history, etc.); those dedicated to fight against technological devide; as well as other initiatives related to health, nutrition, and well-being.
We also carried out in 2022 an Action Plan that is structed in in 3 Programs that cover the different proposals, carried out in the focus groups, by developing projects where proposals based on the active aging model are specified, offering diverse and innovative intervention frameworks that contemplate the different dimensions related to the well-being and social participation of older people.
The programs are the following:
THE CITY AND ITS ENVIRONMENT: Improve accessibility and mobility based on the proposals of older people and facilitating their participation in the city’s environment.
CONVIVIENCE AND SOCIAL PARTICIPATION: promoting participation all areas of the city, not only those activities for older people.
CARE AND SOCIAL RECOGNITION: Promote an adequate level of physical, mental and social activity. This program includes the existing forms of communication and information, as well as the use and knowledge by older people of the social support and health services available in the city and the visibility of their social contribution.
To age well is to age actively and this implies fundamentally: health, security and social participation. Being the cultural, sexual, social, social, economic, behavioral, personal, physical environment, and health and social services influencing factors, on which measures and actions should be articulated in order to favor and promote a positive form of aging. These conditions must be taken into account both from an individual dimension (responsibility for self-care) and from the design of comprehensive policies.

One of the aspects to be highlighted in this paradigm is that it presents active aging as an issue for all citizens and not only for older people, and especially that it avoids the repeated dissociation between preventive policies for “healthy” older people and those aimed at the dependent older population.


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