Adding life to years
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Ivančna Gorica

Ivančna Gorica

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Ivančna Gorica  Slovenia
Print this page City population: 1605119 % over 60Joined Network in 2012

Ivančna Gorica has been aware of the challenge of ageing for several years. It joined the  WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities through the Slovenian Age-friendly Cities and Communities Network  in order to exchange information, good practice and professional directions.

Ivančna Gorica is cooperating with Anton Trtstenjak Institute and Dr. Jože Ramovš. The mayor of Ivančna Gorica municipality established a council, which created the Action plan. The action plan was adopted by Ivančna Gorica municipal council and it is implemented through annual budget in line with the possibilities.

The intergenerational committee is also active in Ivančna Gorica and it examines progress and implementation of policies of ageing. The basis for the implementation of the action plan is representative research on healthy ageing and quality relations – standpoints, needs and possibilities of adults in Ivančna Gorica, which is performed by volunteers and with the professional leadership of Anton Trstenjak Institute.

Ivančna Gorica pursues the following aims:

building and starting up of the intergenerational centres in Ivančna Gorica, Šentvid pri Stični, Višnja Gora and Zagradec

  • development of services for elderly, which are cost-effective, so the elderly can stay at home longer
  • raising the awareness and education of all generations about intergenerational relations
  • developing a network of volunteers and training of volunteers, IT support
  • setting up and starting a social enterprise to service older people.

In the near future, we intend to become also a youth-friendly municipality.

The programs related to age-friendly municipality are:

  • Heart-friendly municipality
  • Bees friendly municipality.

Currently, the following actions take place:

  • courses for family caregivers
  • reading club for the elderly
  • a day center for the elderly
  • help for families at their home
  • the annual events “We are all one generation”
  • a mayor also visits everyone in Ivančna Gorica, who have completed 90 years.

In the operational areas we work with senior citizens and humanitarian organizations as well as with legal entities.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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