Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Isfahan  Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Print this page City population: 196100017.5 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

The most important measures taken in this regard are as follow:

  • Adopting policies relating to the age-friendly city, such as prioritizing multigenerational interactions and activities;
  • Prioritizing the development of urban areas according to the needs of the ageing population;
  • Increasing the interaction between nursing homes and NGOs.

To become an age-friendly city, Isfahan has implemented several projects based on the guidelines of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), including the formulation of a strategic document and action plan to achieve an age-friendly environment;

  • Signing a joint memorandum of understanding between Isfahan municipality, the National Council of the Older Persons and UNFPA’s representative in Iran;
  • Hosting a conference on ageing indicators to understand more about Healthy Ageing and have the knowledge and skills to improve the lives of older people;
  • Publishing a social health products collection on ageing and lifestyle, nutrition and ageing, etc.;
  • providing an information platform for sharing of information and experience;
  • Trying to develop and ensure access to services that provide older-person-centered and integrated care;
  • Building and maintaining a sustainable and appropriately trained workforce;
  • Challenging and changing the way that policymakers, researchers, and people themselves think, feel and act towards age and ageing;
  • Holding a specialized conference on ageing titled “New Chapter of Life”;
  • Providing guidance, support, and training to the local communities; and
  • Participation in the 5-day CDD workshop in Tehran, in which two professors of the Help Age Institute that is in cooperation with the United Nations, attended.
Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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