Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

IPOH  Malaysia
Print this page City population: 73970016.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

The Mayor raised a concern that there were currently no specific policies and schemes initiated specifically for the older population of Malaysia. There are policies and special schemes for newborns, disabled individuals and other age groups, but there is none for older people. Similarly, there are no programs or activities specifically designed for the older population.

Therefore, by joining the GNAFCC, the Mayor hopes that the information sharing opportunities the global network provides will help keep Ipoh City thriving. the vision of Mayor is that Ipoh City continues to strive to become increasingly age-friendly. Firstly, an age-friendly committee will be formed, which will be comprised of the Mayor, the Director of Perak State Health Department, Geriatricians, representatives from 8 domains and researchers from the Clinical Research Center.

Subsequently, a city baseline age-friendly assessment will be carried out by the research team. Based on the 8 domains outlined within the WHO age-friendly framework, a survey questionnaire will be developed. The quantitative and qualitative survey will be carried out so that the views of older people can be captured in a more complete and comprehensive manner. The survey will give us an overview of both the positive features and barriers in Ipoh City. The results will eventually help us to improve the age-friendliness of our city. These will then be presented to stakeholders and an action plan will be designed to tackle the challenges outlined. Engaging stakeholders in action planning will enable them to develop a shared vision and to mutually agreed upon priorities for action. In addition, the action plan will be implemented. Lastly, monitoring and evaluating the progress of implementation will be carried out, which will help to identify the successes and challenges associated with the implementation.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan