Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Imperia  Italy
Print this page City population: 4232524 % over 60Joined Network in 2017

Since 2001/2002 Imperia already joined specific project for Active Ageing because it believes that this issue, seen as the inclusion of health opportunities of older people, both important and necessary.
In 2015 three series of special programs have been launched concerning: lifelong learning, psychological well-being, and some of the social activities related to the solidarity between generations.
For 2016 are conducting the following projects: computer classes and acting classes for lifelong learning sector; for the theme health and wellness instead will start gentle exercise classes and walking groups; for engagement in volunteer projects we have the goal instead of social inclusion and solidarity between generations, so that the elderly can live this stage of his life in a more active way possible.
The purpose of these projects is therefore to create an intergenerational pact and to ensure policies to allow the elderly person to live as long as possible and with the best quality of life.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan