Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Holland  United States of America
Print this page City population: 237421.6 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Holland, MA is a bucolic town located in south central Massachusetts. Historically in Holland, the Holland Council on Aging, is the primary entity that supports our Senior population. The mission of the Holland COA is to promote the physical, emotional and economic well-being of older adults and to promote their participation in all aspects of community life, while also helping older adults to live in their own homes for as long as possible. Although we don’t have a van, we see the needs of Seniors and the COA provides volunteer transportation when the Elderbus van isn’t available. The Friends of the Holland Community Center, have also been very supportive of our Seniors, helping to support our Senior Health Fair, and helping us to get equipment that will help Seniors engage in more outdoor activities. Holland has an Outreach Worker whose main goal is to help our Seniors find State and Private Assistance Programs, and/or provide wellness visits. The Holland COA Outreach Office provides Seniors (60 and over) with information about programs and services to help them stay healthy and secure in their homes as they age. We network with many local agencies, such as Greater Springfield Senior Services, Inc., our Area Agency on Aging, who links to services for Visiting Nurses and Home Health Aids, Money Managers, Congregate Mealsites and Meals on Wheels, Caregiver Support Programs, Foot Care Clinics, Elder Abuse Hotline and many more. The Outreach Worker hosts a monthly coffee social to encourage seniors to meet other seniors. This serves as an additional opportunity for Outreach to contact Seniors and see if anyone has any other needs, such as handyman duties. Holland has a lot of support from our Selectboard to make the town more age-friendly and the COA shows again and again that they are willing to send the Director to any meetings she feels help the Senior population.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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