Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Herzliya  Israel
Print this page City population: 10700019 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

The Herzliya Senior Citizens Master Plan was carried out in two parts: The first part took place in 2010 and emphasized civic participation and leisure as well as social and voluntary engagement through the establishment of several mechanisms for social participation including involving older citizens in the implementation of the program and its deliverables.

The “Municipal Steering Committee for the Advancement of the Master Plan,” composed of adult residents under the professional leadership of a community social worker, became the driving force behind important deliverables. The Steering Committee and its subcommittees continue to initiate and advance new programs, expanding its basic program framework beyond its original objectives.

The second part of the plan was carried out in 2019; its goal was to expand the field of operation to other areas in accordance with the WHO priority areas for age-friendly cities and communities. This program addressed areas such as outdoor space and built environment through the development of public spaces, as well as addressing public transportation, support for new pensioners and the establishment of community organizations for the mutual support of older citizens.

Alongside the Senior Citizens Master Plan, the City promotes other thematic master plans for the benefit of all city residents. These plans, as with the city master plan, included transportation, sports and health, and ultimately foster respect and inclusion for older residents by addressing the unique needs of this population.

The program was led by the Department of Social Services – the Community Work Unit and the Social Welfare Section