Adding life to years
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Hadano City

Hadano City

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Hadano City  Japan
Print this page City population: 16001236.62 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The population of Hadano City reached its peak in 2010, and it has been decreasing ever since. While the juvenile and the working-age populations are decreasing, the older population ratio is increasing. In 2017, the ratio of 65 year-olds and over stood at 28.4% among the total population of 162,141.
In response to this situation, Hadano City promotes measures for the aging population based on two basic concepts: “Enjoy getting older healthily and independently, and delay your care needing time” and “Build a mutually supportive society where residents can age in place”. In addition, the City has set two goals for its aging measures: “Working with older people to build a society where people can age in place” and “Build a society which prevents older people from becoming bed-ridden and ensures people with dementia to live safely”.
Focused measures are: 1. Motivate older people to stay healthy and find something to live for. 2. Enhance and promote a community-based integrated care system. 3. Promote dementia measures. 4. Promote measures to prevent care dependency and enhance independency. 5. Sound management and smooth practice of Public Nursing Care Insurance System.
In this way, the City will build a supportive network centering around a community-based integrated care system, while developing programs to prevent care dependency, and various projects to support seniors’ daily life.
In order for older people to age in place, the City will discuss ways to identify issues and solutions to intersectoral collaborations of medical and nursing care, and promote home-care programs supported by multiple professions.
To achieve its objectives, the City will enhance coordination among its relevant sections to promote age-friendly measures in various fields. It will incorporate all people, including seniors, in building an inclusive community where everyone can live comfortably and harmoniously through mutual support and care.


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