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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Gwynedd  Wales
Print this page City population: 11740030 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

Our vision in Gwynedd is to build vibrant communities where age is no obstacle. Working in strong partnerships, we will continue to build resilient communities where being age-friendly is a priority.
As an area with an ageing population, we must continue to build on our age-friendly vision and prioritize the eight domains across our communities.
Gwynedd is a county located in North-West Wales and is the second largest county in Wales covering an area of 979 square miles. The rurality of the area raises several challenges, especially in the south of the county, in terms of transport, loneliness, and access to health services.
In the 2021 Census, results showed that Wales has an ageing population. This is reflected in Gwynedd where we also saw an increase in older individuals within the population. In October 2021, the Welsh Government published their Strategy for an Ageing Society. Nearly half of Gwynedd’s population is over the age of 50 years – a total 44.3% (Census 2021) as compared to 40.1% in 2011. Across Wales, it is projected that by 2038 one in four people in Wales will be over the age of 65.
Across Gwynedd various organizations, community groups, and the local authority work together to provide support for individuals as they grow older. From social participation to access to health services and social care, Gwynedd has a variety of support offers. The baseline report will look at examples within Gwynedd that have been embedded as well as explore future developments.
Our age-friendly developments in Gwynedd will be done hand in hand with older people across Gwynedd and all of the age-friendly partners.

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