Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Guri  Republic of Korea
Print this page City population: 18783625.15 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

Guri City provides spatial services for older persons, including the creation of comfortable public facilities, provisions for urban rest spaces, secure and stable housing, residential environments and improved walkable environments, residential welfare services, and a strong public transportation system that caters to supporting vulnerable populations. In addition, Guri City is implementing policies that support older persons, such as: providing various leisure cultures , increasing spaces available to older people, providing easily accessible resources and information for older people, , providing stable income through providing more job opportunities for older people, creating and improving age-friendly environments, expanding opportunities for social participation, supporting vulnerable and at-risk older persons, providing smart-technology based welfare interventions for older people, providing community care and mental health support, supporting end of lifecare and efforts to alleviate generational conflicts, and spreading a culture of respect for older persons.

To create an age-friendly city, Guri City intends to implement an age-friendly plan, following the eight domains identified by the WHO’s Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities. Actions include:

First, to secure the comfort and safety of the external environment and public facilities, the cleanliness and safety of public toilets have been improved, and a space for older persons to rest has been provided. Guri will continue to develop these actions in the future.

Second, to ensure housing stability, Guri supports housing stability for low-income older persons. To do so, Guri will provide joint living housing to support older people living alone, develop an integrated care senior housing model, and create age-friendly living environments to support independent retirement.

Third, Guri aims to improve the accessibility and convenience of transportation services. To do so the following actions will be prioritized:  public transportation costs, including the use of taxis, for older persons will be supported; a pleasant public transportation environment will be ensured; bus stops will include rest areas; pedestrian accessibility will be enforced, including illegal parking management of pedestrian paths; and pedestrian needs prioritized in road operations. Policies to support a traffic safety system and create a culture of support for older persons will be implemented.

Fourth, Guri intendeds to support leisure culture and increase social activity days. To accomplish this, we will  provide services to revitalize leisure culture for older persons, secure a space dedicated to older persons, revitalize self-help learning organizations, support accessible support centres for older persons, and improve digital literacy for older persons.

Fifth, Guri will support communication and information provision. To accomplish this, Guri will provide services to improve the quality of life of older persons by decreasing alienation and addressing the  gap of information accessible to older people  through the provision of specialized information for older people within the municipality’s  Guri newsletter, and creating a culturally-informed environment for older persons.

Sixth, Guri guarantees a socially engaged retirement life through social participation and employment support. To accomplish this Guri will expand job opportunities for older persons , operates an age-friendly city policy monitoring group, and implement lifelong learning support for new middle-aged people in their 50s and 60s.

Seventh, Guri will support health and local care for older persons by establishing a support system for vulnerable older persons. Guri will create an AI/IoT-based health care project, a recreational healthcare center for older persons, a project to build a residential care facility, a regular prevention and disinfection of leisure welfare facilities, and a suicide prevention system for older persons will be established.

Eighth, Guri will implement respect and social integration policies. Policies such as support for organ donation registration, development and operation of generational integration programs, and operation of the Human Rights Protection Group for older persons will be implemented.


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