Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Goseong-gun  Republic of Korea
Print this page City population: 5144241.58 % over 60Joined Network in 2021

The plan is to be implemented from 2021 to 2023. The policy projects for older adults in Goseong-gun will be expanded from 29 projects in 2020 to 36 projects in 2021. Beyond 2021, policy projects will be gradually expanded through the help of collected opinions in villages and then evaluation of the newly-formulated agenda.

As the ageing society progresses, it is necessary to cope with various areas such as health and medical support, economic and social participation, activity and safety in the outdoor spaces. It is important to see ageing as an opportunity rather than a problem.
The improvement of policies to make them more suitable for older citizens by allowing them to participate and contribute to policymaking is imperative.

An age-friendly city is not just about establishing policies to support older adults, but to help restore the vitality of older adults and lay the foundation for older adults to live together with all members of society, so that they can continue their lives as proud citizens in society.

The vision (“Successful Goseong, a city where older adults are comfortable and happy”) to create a successful age-friendly city where the older adults can have a rejuvenating retirement, without leaving the place where they have lived. The implementation strategy has been developed to create of a safe and convenient life, provide means of participation and communication with the community, and provide a rejuvenating and healthy retirement based on the sectors of the physical, socioeconomic environment, and social services. The action plan is designed to improve the quality of life of older adults and revitalize the city through the participation of older citizens in local activities, and by utilizing their rich knowledge and experiences.