Adding life to years
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Godoy Cruz

Godoy Cruz

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Godoy Cruz  Argentina
Print this page City population: 2000006 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The Municipality of Godoy Cruz has been working on different initiatives and policies oriented to the older adults of the community. Through 2017, a program of social tourism for older adults has been taking place. This program is organized by the retirement centers and the different groups have the chance of visiting different locations of our province such as the thermal baths of Cacheuta.
Moreover, the Municipality also articulates with retirement centers and offers subsidies bound to improve the building conditions of those retirement centers that are deteriorated, so that the older adults that attend do not have to face any type of architectural barriers or difficulties in the access and can enjoy the different activities.
Furthermore, the Municipality also offers counseling to those citizens over the age of 60 years as well as medical attention to those older adults living under conditions of vulnerability or abandonment.
Also, the Municipality of Godoy Cruz articulates with various providers of medical services so that the access to healthcare services is guaranteed to the older adults of the community. With the Department of Social Development the Municipality of Godoy Cruz is also working, and the aim is to ensure the delivery of merchandise and food pockets to those older adults living under conditions of social vulnerability.
The Municipality of Godoy Cruz is also planning to build and establish ramps, improve sidewalks, include more benches and bathrooms in public spaces, amongst others actions. Finally, recreational and cultural activities for our older adults are also taking place, which are aimed to improve the health conditions of our older adults. Amongst these activities we can enumerate the following: aqua-gym; artistic shows; amongst other. All of these activities take place in locations that are of easy access for all our older adults.

Strategy and Action Plan


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