Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Garfield  United States of America
Print this page City population: 3100016 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The City of Garfield has several services already in place to support older adult residents. For example. the city provides transportation to grocery stores and local shops for residents in need. Additionally, there are three low-income senior housing buildings in Garfield and a Senior Center, which has social activities and an affordable hot meal served each day. The Garfield Prevention Coalition sponsors health screenings, the Wellness Initiative Senior Education (WISE) program, a walking club and other valuable health promotion programming throughout the year for older adults. The city of Garfield has participated in a ‘Walkability Study’ in partnership with the NJ DOT and Civic Eye to identify areas of the city that may not currently be accessible to older adults due to issues with the sidewalks or crosswalks. In addition to city-sponsored programming, Garfield was awarded a planning grant in the spring of 2016 to identify the specific needs of older adults related to housing, transportation, and socialization as they age in place in Garfield. Outcomes of this planning phase were the formation of a senior steering committee and the creation of Garfield’s Age-Friendly Community Initiative (AFCI), ‘Generations for Garfield, A Community for All Ages.’ Generations for Garfield conducted a survey similar to the ‘AARP livable communities survey’ and identified three key areas that impact older adults in Garfield: transportation, affordable housing options, and communication/social inclusion. Generations for Garfield continues to work towards addressing issues in each of these areas, specifically with programming such as creative workshops, a walking club and exercise and cooking classes to address isolation, increased transportation options within the city (e.g. additional hours for the city bus) and empowering older adults through training and education to use NJ public transportation.

Baseline Assessment


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