Adding life to years
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Gangbuk-Gu (District)

Gangbuk-Gu (District)

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Gangbuk-Gu (District)  Republic of Korea
Print this page City population: 32447924.7 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

1. Policies
Gangbuk-gu has implemented the most integrated and innovative strategies to create the age-friendly city to achieve one of the goals of Gangbuk-gu, ‘Healthy 100, Hopeful Gangbuk,’ and we hope to be with the WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities for the first time among the Seoul’s autonomous districts, to achieve that goal.

2. Programmes
– Community silver chorus
– Community silver orchestra
– Excercise program to prevent falling accident
– Health lectures for the elderly
– Senior citizen center health keeper program
– Yearly party for the elderly

3. Services
– Free shuttle bus for the old and disabled
– Midnight safe-return bus
– At-home care service
– Dementia prevention center
– Suicide prevention center
– Hosing support for the vulnerable group
– Integrated support for Gyengrodangs(town citizen centers)
– Seeking jobs and linking social participation services
– Long-term care insurance for the elderly
– Medical cost support

With the WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Cities, Gangbuk-gu will become a sustainable community of future where:
the elderly can live dignified and respected life;
the people can plan for healthy future in eco-friendly environment; and the people live in harmony.

Gangbuk-gu will:
● create physically age-friendly environments, including comfortable houses; parks and forests that promote outdoor activities; roads easy to walk; and easily accessible modes of transportation; and
● actively and continuously implement integrated health management projects and policies that will provide personalized health management and win-win health policies where the residents and medical service providers work together, so that the elderly can avoid suffering from chronic diseases, reduce their financial burdens from medical treatments and be full of energy.


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