Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Fruita  United States of America
Print this page City population: 1292418 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The City of Fruita focuses on the following strategic outcomes built upon a basis of providing quality core services.

Quality of Place: The City of Fruita is a community where residents love where they are. The City strives to be a bike and pedestrian friendly community by providing a system of sidewalks, trails, and bike lanes that connect to our parks, schools, neighborhoods, civic facilities, and commercial areas. We value safe neighborhoods, our geographic natural resources and landscapes, top tier education and healthcare, and we collaborate to provide quality essential infrastructure and services.

Economic Health: The City of Fruita strives to be financially sustainable, fiscally responsible and continuously seeks ways to allocate resources to services and projects that have the highest impact on the City’s priorities. We are the innovative leader for economic development in the Grand Valley.

Lifestyle: The City of Fruita fosters a fun and funky ambiance by celebrating the local arts, farm and ranching history, unique leisure opportunities, and family-friendly events and activities. The City strives to offer a balance of activities to enhance the older person by a providing a number of programs. These programs are coordinated at the Senior Center and in the surrounding area. In addition, senior service department is charged with providing programs, events and trips for seniors to remain physically, socially, and mentally active. The department also provides educational opportunities on services and programs offered not only through the City but also through the Mesa County Health Department and other service organizations.

Based on the City’s strategic goals of providing Quality of Place, Economic Health, and Lifestyle aspects of our core values, it reaches out to every resident from young to old. The City of Fruita is involved with ‘Communities that Care,’ an initiative that works to improve the protective factors for our areas youth and parallels the ‘Age Friendly’ program that enhances a community’s livability for all generations. Together, both programs go hand in hand in assisting our community forward to a ‘Liviable Community’.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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