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Francisco Beltrão

Francisco Beltrão

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Francisco Beltrão  Brazil
Print this page City population: 9666610 % over 60Joined Network in 2023

The municipality of Francisco Beltrão, located in the State of Paraná, is located in the center of the southwest region of the State of Paraná and is 470 km away from the State Capital – Curitiba. The territorial area of the municipality is 735,111km² and the Human Development Index is 0.774. The “Heart of the Southwest”, so named for its central location in the region, for its economic, political and population leadership in the Southwest of Paraná, the municipality of Francisco Beltrão began as “Vila Marrecas” and its transformation into a city was quick. In less than five years from the beginning of the settlement, without ever having been a district, the village was elevated to the condition of seat of the municipality, in December 1952. According to an estimate by the IBGE (2022), it currently has 96.666 inhabitants, of which approximately 9.667 are elderly. Faced with the growing number of older people and aiming to join efforts to identify and articulate actions that meet the demands of the older person, on April 28, 2022, Mayor Cleber Fontana showed interest in joining the strategy of the World Health Organization and making Francisco Beltrão a Age-friendly City. Since then, the municipality has been organizing and mobilizing various segments as municipal secretary of education, assistance, social, health, research and urban planning institute, sport, women’s employment and social welfare, in addition to the municipal council for the rights of older persons, university and Rotary club and non-governmental associations consolidate the implementation of the Age-friendly Cities Program, aiming to contribute to healthy aging and the improvement of quality of life.

Finally, an advisory group and implementation group on AFCC was established under the municipal government, more information here: DECRETO DE CRIAÇÃO DO COMITÊ GESTOR


Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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