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Elliot Lake

Elliot Lake

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Elliot Lake  Canada
Print this page City population: 1074146.46 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

With nearly half our population being over the age of 60, many programs, services and activities are aimed at seniors. The community as a whole is on board with improving the age-friendliness of the city.
Specifically, there is a Seniors’ Center located in Elliot Lake geared towards providing various activities and programs for Elliot Lake’s senior population.

In terms of City policies, there are accessibility policies in place, and an Accessibility Advisory Committee aimed at improving the overall accessibility of the community and making it barrier free, and there is the Seniors Advisory Committee aimed at improving the lives of Seniors at providing speaker series on a variety of helpful topics.
In addition, the Municipal Council has approved the Age Friendly Elliot Lake 5 Year Implementation Action Plan. This means they are committed to making Elliot Lake more age-friendly.

Since 2017 we have accomplished more goals from our Age Friendly Action Plan and we are recognized by the province of Ontario as on the road to becoming an Age Friendly community.


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