Adding life to years
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El Monte

El Monte

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

El Monte  Chile
Print this page City population: 3592314 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

These are the activities carried out:
It is worth mentioning that in the commune about 8 activities are carried out throughout the year, being the office of the elderly responsible for the design, planning and development of events.
La Mateada, is an activity that has as a public people belonging to the Elderly clubs of the Commune of El Monte, the activity is intended for 300 people, where they are invited to share a good “mate” among their peers and talk about their life, organizational and recreational experiences, experiential talks are also held where the experiences are reflected within the family and social world, where various situations that are used with social antithesis are emphasized, which becomes a value added for the daily living of the elderly.
March of the Elderly, The activity was carried out with the purpose of promoting and raising awareness among the population of the commune, about respect for the Elderly and healthy life, the public are the elderly people participating in the clubs of the elderly, the activity is intended for a total of 300 people, where they are called to enjoy the environment and the importance of physical activity and healthy life, all this oriented to active aging, the activity is called by local networks, to the health and safety people, where a 2km tour is made, each club is organized to arrive with the colors that represent them, at the meeting point there are healthy eating tents with nutritionists and nurses conducting research, among other things. During the whole activity there is an ambulance in case of emergency.