Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Edmonton  Canada
Print this page City population: 81749818 % over 60Joined Network in 2010

Age Friendly Edmonton is a results-orientated initiative to improve the quality of life for Edmonton seniors. Co-led by the City of Edmonton and Edmonton Seniors Coordinating Council, Age Friendly Edmonton works in partnership with seniors, non-profit and community organizations, health professionals, and local government.

In 2010, City Council adopted the Edmonton Seniors Declaration, and the Edmonton Seniors: A Portrait was released. A five-year action plan “Vision for an Age Friendly Edmonton” was developed in 2012 using the WHO’s age-friendly checklist. The plan identifies gaps, needs and recommended actions in nine key areas. Edmonton’s City Council endorsed the plan and approved ongoing municipal funding.

To achieve the vision that “Edmonton is a community that values, respects and actively supports the safety, diversity and wellbeing of seniors”, Age Friendly Edmonton partners lead and support projects that strive for impact in the following areas:

  • Seniors are engaged, participating, and contributing to their communities
  • Seniors are safe and well in their home and communities
  • Seniors are respected and included
  • Seniors have access to the programs, services, and resources they need

Examples of Edmonton’s age-friendly projects include:

  • Edmonton Seniors Home Supports Program is a collaboration of six community organizations who refer seniors to vetted and affordable service providers for house and yard work and snow removal.
  • 211 Seniors Information Phone Line is answered 24/7 by trained and certified Information and Referral Specialists. The phone line ensures seniors and their caregivers have access to meaningful information and receive appropriate referrals to a wide range of resources and services.
  • Age of Wisdom Immigrant and Refugee Collective  brings together seniors, ethnocultural community leaders, service providers and public institutions to work on identified issues and relevant actions
  • Healthy Aging Information Series is a coordinated roster of workshops available to senior-serving organizations across the city. Teleconference options are also available home bound seniors.
  • Driving and Beyond workshops and Seniors Transportation Information Hubs assist seniors to prepare for the cessation of driving and educate on alternatives such as public transit and volunteer driving options.
  • Home for Life educates builders and consumers on how to design a home for all ages and stages of life. Home for Life features include as no-step entries, wide doorways and hallways, and accessible bathrooms, kitchens, and bedrooms.
  • Creating Inclusive Spaces for LGBTQ Seniors provides training to service and housing providers to increase awareness of the needs of LGBTQ seniors and to improve safety and inclusion.
  • Upgrade Your Mindset workshop designed for anyone who interacts with older adults and wants those interactions to be as positive, respectful and inclusive as possible.



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