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Deer Isle, Maine

Deer Isle, Maine

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Deer Isle, Maine  United States of America
Print this page City population: 1975Joined Network in 2017

Please see the attached document “Thriving in Place Downeast – By The Numbers”, a summary of projects and activities conducted in the first two years of our 3-year Thriving in Place grant. These partners and collaborative projects will be the foundation on which we hope to build deeper and more extensive supports for an age-friendly community. The TiPD initiative is focused on the 9 towns of the Blue Hill Peninsula, Deer Isle and Stonington and our goal is for all of these towns to join the Network of Age-Friendly Communties in a regional approach. The Deer Isle Select Board appreciates the strategic value of a regional approach, which understands each town’s unique character, while recognizing the importance of collaboration in designing and implementing age-friendly activities in our neighborhood of rural towns. In the course of our community assessment, we hope to revisit the community interviews and focus groups that informed the planning for our TiP grant, evaluating our successes and developing strategies for filling additional or continuing gaps in our community’s needs. We hope to expand our collaborative partners to include, not only the town government, but also emergency responders, faith communities, and others.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan