Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Danforth  United States of America
Print this page City population: 59230 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Danforth’s current policies, programs and services designed for older people are limited. Initially, we aim to improve several livability domains such as transportation, communication and information, social inclusion, civic participation, and community support. Once a week, transportation utilizing a bus from the Aroostook Agency on Aging is available to citizens to make the 35-mile round-trip to Houlton. Unfortunately, the stops are restricted in scope and time. Ideas to enhance transportation services include partnering with MSAD #14 to use their buses and hire their drivers for day trips to places such as Bangor or Senior functions in other regions. Another suggestion is to launch a volunteer driver program for more personalized, private transportation (e.g., doctor’s appointments). Danforth’s Food Pantry is vital in supporting overall health and well-being to those residents in need and providing better access and a wider range of services will decrease food insecurity in Danforth. Currently, the Food Pantry is based in the Town Hall with only temporary approval and accessibility is inadequate; the need to establish a permanent location is imperative. A proposal to move the facility to the SAVE building at MSAD #14 has been explored. With this partnership, the Food Pantry’s services as well as the children’s program could expand and accessibility at this location is markedly improved. The town also intends to appropriate funds to set-up a home delivery system for those unable to travel to the food pantry. Last fall, Ardis was able to organize many stakeholders and hold a Senior Expo at the Danforth Town Hall. Seniors and their caregivers participated in learning about county, state and federal programs; additionally, contacts for further assistance were made. Danforth also enjoyed several community events, such as Town Hall Dances and a Community Concert, where older people came out to socialize. It was such a success that a concert series is planned for this summer and the dances continue as weather allows. To further enhance social and physical outlets, plans for seating installation around the town have been set along with senior community sessions and even arts and crafts classes.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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