Adding life to years
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Daly City

Daly City

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Daly City  United States of America
Print this page City population: 10254316 % over 60Joined Network in 2020

Active Adult Services offers multilingual programming at three sites throughout Daly City (Doelger Senior Center, Lincoln Community Center, and War Memorial Senior Center). Additionally, the Congregate Nutrition Program offers free and/or subsidized lunches to seniors. The Daly City Partnership, through their Healthy Aging Response Team (HART) volunteers, help connect seniors and adults with disabilities with resources in the community. Shawna Maltbie, the City Manager, is a hands-on advocate for older persons and has been central in leading, supporting, and advocating for the age-friendly initiative in Daly City. We have met with her on several occasions. Reverend Leonard Oaks, serving on the age-friendly cities task force, has committed to organizing a coalition of faith-based community leaders to further assess needs and develop targeted services. We conducted five focus groups in Daly City, and we have generated four age friendly cities projects. First, television monitors will be installed in all community centers with a community channel for seniors, with live streaming capability so seniors can stay informed of upcoming events, educational programming and City Council meetings. Second, we will revamp the Daly City website to include all resources for seniors in one place. Third, we will update Pilipino Bayanihan Resource Center’s resource guide and disseminate it out to community. Finally, we will hold a summit on affordable housing, which is an issue that is affecting seniors most critically. The date and venue will be finalized this summer. Many of these efforts are directly responding to the Communication and Information domain, which emerged as a leading area of unmet need in our focus groups.