Adding life to years
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Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Wexford  Ireland
Print this page City population: 14972220 % over 60Joined Network in 2015

A County-wide consultation process carried out in 2015 and 2016 was informed by the views of more than 650 people aged over 55, which were collected through a series of public consultations held in 27 locations in the County. This led to the publication of County Wexford’s first Age Friendly Strategy for the period 2017-2021 which was launched on 10th February, 2017. Following this the Age Friendly Alliance and Older People’s Council were established with their own terms of reference. The Older People’s Council comprises a diverse range of members from various backgrounds with an equal number of representatives from each of the four geographical areas of the county.

Age Friendly initiatives being delivered include the following:
• The Local Authority incorporated Age Friendly Planning principals into key documents and strategies such as the Local Economic and Community Plan, County Development and Local Area Plans.
• Age Friendly Housing and Public Realm training for Local Authority Planners, Housing Technical Staff and Area Engineers was held on 19th June 2018. This training will increase awareness of age friendly design techniques and good practice in housing and public realm works.
• The Local Link bus fleet and schedule has improved and increased to more rural areas and for longer hours (including nights). Travel is free to holders of free travel passes over age 66 and in many cases older people are picked up and dropped off at their home.
• All-Island Research Observatory (AIRO) were commissioned to map the county to identify areas with higher levels of older people living alone without access to any transport based on CSO data – our ‘Loneliness Map’
• A Befriending pilot scheme is being developed with local community volunteers in one of the areas identified on the Loneliness Map
• A network for older people who wish to go to art and cultural events but have no-one to go with has been set up to allow them to go to these events as a group. This is called ‘Cultural Companions’.
• Wexford Sports Active provides a ‘Go For Life’ sports programme for older people.
• The Health Service has carried out detailed analysis of the Meals on Wheels service for older people in the county to identify gaps and increased provision of funding for this service based on the results.
• Basic IT skills training has been provided to older people.
• New Ross Library has been nominated as the County’s Age Friendly Library and staff are receiving training to help introduce Age Friendly initiatives
• An Age Friendly information booklet for older people is being developed by members of the Older People’s Council.
• Age Friendly parking is being piloted at two locations in the county.