Adding life to years
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County Tipperary

County Tipperary

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

County Tipperary  Ireland
Print this page City population: 15953321 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

In partnership with the Lions Clubs rollout and support of Message in a Bottle campaign whereby you are encouraged to keep your basic personal and medical details in the case of emergency where Emergency Teams can easily find them
Supported the production of an Emergency contact Fridge Magnet for the Roscrea catchment funded jointly by HSE North Tipperary, Citizens information and Tipperary Fire Service, would hope to replicate this across the county, commencing through the RAPID and CAP networks
A partnership of Tipperary County Council , An Garda Siochana, HSE North and South Tipperary and County Tipperary Citizens Information Service and have produced the Tipperary Age Friendly Information Guide to Services for Older People in County Tipperary. This is the first all County publication for Older People within Tipperary. This guide contains information in relation to entitlements, health, housing, transport, safety and security, social and leisure activities, support groups and organisations for older people within County Tipperary.
Tipperary County Council have a Scheme of Housing Aid for Older People available to assist older people living in poor housing conditions to have necessary repairs or improvements carried out. We also have a Mobility Aids Housing Grant is available to cover a basic suite of works to address mobility problems, primarily, but not exclusively, associated with ageing. The works grant aided under the scheme include:
– Grab-rails;
– Access ramps;
– Level access showers;
– Stair-lifts; and
– Other minor works deemed necessary to facilitate the mobility needs of a member of a household.


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