Adding life to years
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Cork County

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

Cork County  Ireland
Print this page City population: 54286821 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The Cork Age Friendly Programme is supported by Cork County Council.

The Cork County Age Friendly Programme has a strategy 2016-2021, this is the result of a process which began when County Cork committed itself to establishing a county where older people can live full, active and healthy lives by signing up to Ireland’s National Age Friendly Cities and Counties
Programme (AFCC).

Cork now has four Age Friendly Towns; Bandon, Cobh, Kinsale and Mitchelstown. The programme plans to expand the number of Towns in 2020/2021.

Actions carried out locally include;
• Age Friendly parking spaces
• Age Friendly Housing Design Competition with students from the Cork School of Architecture (Cork County were victorious at the National Age Friendly Ireland Recognition and Achievements Awards in November 2019 for this initiative. )
• Empathy for the Older Driver Design Competition with the CIT
• Seating/benches
• Walkability Studies of the Towns
• Local Link Bus to HSE Health Clinic Pilot
• Cork County Council Age friendly Library Strategy 2018-2022
• Community age friendly celebration events

Plans/projects are in development/in the pipeline at the moment include:
• Increase number of Age Friendly Parking spaces in the County
• Pilot a design and colour scheme for age friendly parking in Cork County with potential roll out nationally
• Delivering Age Friendly Training for businesses in partnership with the Local Enterprise Offices
• Piloting a Lift to the Library bus route in Bandon (Age Friendly Town)
• Providing Age Friendly Digital Skills Training in libraries
• Cobh Age Friendly Town pilot dementia Cafe
• Competition of Age Friendly Housing Design from students of the Cork School of Architecture

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan