Adding life to years
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City of West Hollywood

City of West Hollywood

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City of West Hollywood  United States of America
Print this page City population: 3939915 % over 60Joined Network in 2016

A key goal of the City of West Hollywood’s Aging In Place/Aging In Community Five Year Strategic Plan is to improve the quality of life for and maintain the health and well-being of older adults and of city residents who are moving forward in years. Currently, the city provides an array of services for its senior, at-risk and disabled community members; however, the scale of the needs for those aging in the city is growing along with the increase in the aging population. The city recognized that only forward thinking action could meet this challenge. The Five Year Strategic Plan is designed with a social model, community-based approach to wellness.West Hollywood is a caring and supportive City where aging is embraced. Therefore, it has the vision that adults as they age are supported in ways that help them to remain in their homes, as much as possible. The City, as an age‐friendly community, is a place where older adults can age safely with health and dignity.This vision will be achieved through a combination of:

  • Activities that occur organically within the West Hollywood community involving neighbors, family, friends and other circles of support. Public funds and programs alone will never be able to address all the identified needs.
  • Policies and programs established by the City that guide and direct successful aging in place and engage the community in the decision‐making process.
  • Supports that are provided by other organizations, such as nonprofits, businesses, religious institutions, clubs, and other government organizations.
Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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