Adding life to years
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City of Vantaa

City of Vantaa

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City of Vantaa  Finland
Print this page City population: 23920621 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

According to the Finnish Local Government Act (410/2015) municipalities in Finland have a responsibility to advance the well-being of their residents at a local level. The City of Vantaa is committed to this Act.

The City of Vantaa develops and implements a local welfare program every four years, including a welfare program for older people. There is also a local program for Cultural Policy (2021-2030) and a program for Gym Policy (2021-2030), with the purpose of providing opportunities for the engagement of older people. The programs serve as a guideline for each of Vantaa’s administrations to promote their work and help achieve targets.

Services under the Urban Cultural Administration include:

  • Cultural services
  • Gym services
  • Organizing co-operation of Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), including NGOs for older people

Services under the Social and Healthcare Administration include:

  • Organizing meetings for older people (where social and health care professionals share information regarding services including dental care, substance abuse treatment, family care, etc.)
  • Organizing lectures and disseminating information regarding healthcare

The City of Vantaa also has an Older People’s Council which promotes the participation and representation of older people and is active across all administration levels.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan