Adding life to years
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City of Sunnyvale

City of Sunnyvale

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City of Sunnyvale  United States of America
Print this page City population: 14983115.8 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

The City provides a wide range of accessible, high quality arts and recreation services, facilities and programs to enhance the well-being of the diverse and changing Sunnyvale community.

City polices include these specific references:

General Plan Goal CC-10 High-Quality Recreation Programming
CC-10.5 Develop and implement programs in order to meet the developmental and social needs of specific targeted populations (e.g., youth, teens, seniors, disabled).

General Plan Policy HE-5.3 Continue to address the special housing needs of seniors through provision of affordable housing, and housing-related services.

Council Policy 5.1.3 Human Services. The City, therefore, shall make its best efforts to provide supplemental human services, which include but are not limited to the emergency services, senior services, disabled services, family services and youth services.

Council Long-Term Advocacy Position 1.1(5) Enhance the mobility of the growing senior population.

The Department of Library and Community Services provides a wide range of programs, resources and opportunities to enrich the lives of those who live, work, play and learn in Sunnyvale. The Department offers recreational and social activities for all ages as well as older adult services at the Senior Center. Senior Center’s mission is to encourage physical, mental and emotional health, independence and socialization among adults ages 50+. The center features: fitness room; computer lab; recreation and intergenerational programs; lunch; drop-in activities; trip program; health services; lifelong learning and Care Management Services. The Senior Center creates an environment where relationships are created and enhanced.

Sunnyvale is committed to continuous improvement in its responsiveness to age-friendly needs through ongoing outreach and community engagement with the Senior Advisory Committee (Senior Center), through its board, commission and Council meetings, and through surveys and focus groups.


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