Adding life to years
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City of Rochester

City of Rochester

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City of Rochester  United States of America
Print this page City population: 20946315.4 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Rochester and Monroe County has many programs and services targeted towards older adults; including the services provided/funded through the Area Agency on Aging, Local Foundations such as the Rochester Area Community Foundation, the United Way and a network of community based service providers and for profit services. We have a well-developed meals on wheels service, various culturally appropriate case management services, and an Aging Alliance comprised of funders and service providers dedicated to encouraging more attention to the needs of older adults in the context of a livable community for all ages. An example is the City of Rochester’s Complete Streets Policy, one that accommodates all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users and persons with disabilities. In addition the City has embarked on Rochester 2034, its Comprehensive Plan, which will undergo public review of the final draft in early 2019. This area is home to the Finger Lakes Caregiver Institute, a partnership of Lifespan and the Alzheimer’s Association serving care partners of loved ones with memory loss throughout the region. The Rochester Catholic Family Center serves some of our hardest to reach older adults, including refugees, lower income, and those with limited English proficiency. The Monroe County Office for the Aging sponsors / funds five urban Senior Centers that serve low-income African American and Latino populations. These programs prevent isolation and provide older persons with a sense of community that they may not otherwise experience.The Rochester and Monroe County area has a culture of collaboration and inclusion. This can be found in the area’s work on the Rochester-Monroe County Poverty Initiative, a community-informed strategy developed to coordinate and align resources, policies and practices in an effort to reduce poverty in the Rochester and Monroe County region. This community-wide initiative is a result of collaboration from local leaders, local and state government, service providers, the faith community, volunteers and people impacted by poverty. Another example can be found with the area’s thriving Deaf Community, in part because of the presence of the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) and the Rochester Area School for the Deaf. It is because of this significant number, the Monroe County Airport is in the process of making huge improvements to help assist individuals who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing, as well as other disabilities. Both of these are concrete examples of our community striving towards a culture of continued collaboration and inclusion. With this culture as a foundation, we believe our community’s efforts on how to become more age-friendly will be successful.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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