Adding life to years
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City of Rijeka

City of Rijeka

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City of Rijeka  Croatia
Print this page City population: 10796434 % over 60Joined Network in 2024

The City of Rijeka has been committed to fostering an age-friendly environment for many years, and this goal has been formally expressed in all of Rijeka’s Health Development Plans since 1996. To do this Rijeka’s main focus has been to improve the social and economical wellbeing of older people through programmes aimed at their social inclusion, physical activity and education.

Rijeka’s Social Programme has many measures aimed at helping those who are especially economically vulnerable. The City is also directly engaging with its older citizens by closely working with the largest local Association for Older People, and by providing financing for some of their programmes. Furthermore, the “Rijeka – Healthy City” Thematic Group for Healthy Ageing, which is composed of local stakeholders whose work is aimed at increasing the health and well-being of older people, as well as representatives of older people themselves, allows those involved to directly influence the City’s policies. Additionally, Rijeka is providing financing for the operation of 16 Clubs for Older People spread across the city, which promote social inclusion of older people. The City is also providing its older citizens with various forms of guided exercise courses, and various educational courses, free of charge for the users. Rijeka is especially recognized nationally and internationally for its work on increasing the digital literacy of older people, with the goal of closing the digital divide.

Through its continuous membership in the WHO European Healthy Cities Network in every phase since 1998, Rijeka has earned a reputation as one of the pioneers of creating age-friendly environments in Europe. This reputation was solidified in 2004 when Rijeka became one of the founding members of the European Healthy Cities Network Healthy Ageing Task Force.

All of the aforementioned work will be carried on and expanded upon in the years to come.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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