Adding life to years
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City of Quincy

City of Quincy

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City of Quincy  United States of America
Print this page City population: 9000021 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

It is the mission of the Elder Services department to provide the elder members of our community with uncompromising services to ensure a high quality of life. As the needs of Quincy’s seniors differ depending on the particular situation of each individual person we strive to provide many different activities and services in an effort to insure that no elder is left out. We provide services to maintain a healthy lifestyle; establish support groups to address specific needs; sponsor fitness and sports events; offer recreational and social gatherings; and provide outreach on many different levels such as legal services, housing assistance and referral services to a host of elder care agencies. In response to the growing need of transportation we additionally offer medical and social transportation. The City provides for it’s elder population an extensive transportation programs as well as weekday operation of the Kennedy Center which is its senior center. This includes programs on nutrition, health education through a blood pressure clinic, health screenings and the Service Health Information Needs of Elders (SHINE) program. In addition, we offer exercise, computer class, discussion groups, seminars, legal advice, and socialization programs. The Department of Elder Services/Council on Aging has already implemented a citywide Dementia Friendly Quincy as well as a Elder Abuse Prevention Project. Both of these projects work with multiple agencies and city departments such as South Shore elder services, Quincy Chamber of Commerce, many local businesses, City of Quincy’s Health Department, Police Department, Fire Department, South Shore Mental Health, Manet Community Health, Quincy Community Action Programs, Greater Boston Elderly Legal Services, the Quincy Housing Authority and many more.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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