Adding life to years
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City of Lahti

City of Lahti

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City of Lahti  Finland
Print this page City population: 12003131 % over 60Joined Network in 2022

City of Lahti is a pioneer of smart, sustainable solutions and the European Green Capital of 2021. We make bold environmental and welfare choices together with universities, companies and with residents. We promote sustainable urban mobility, and our ice-age shaped landscape supports well-being. We also provide up-to-date services, events and activities for seniors:

Wellamo Community College

Wellamo Community Collegeoffers several courses and possibilities for older people to participate liberal adult education. Wellamo was founded in January 2007 and is owned by the City of Lahti.

Seniors and digitalization

The Digital Literacy Workshop (Digikinkerit) has promoted digital literacy in the senior community (City of Lahti). The digital empowerment of the seniors project provides mentoring and assistance for older people at several libraries in the province (Wellamo). These Digi-clinics are open every second week, where older people can ask for digital help. Wellamo is a member of a nationwide Digital support network.

Older people as life-designers

“Dream years as a pensioner” are coaching groups that are for just recently retired persons (Wellamo). Participants get tips on how to design their everyday life and how to promote well-being and health after retirement. Wellamo also offers low-cost and/or free of charge activities for older people at different meeting places, like at Palvelutori Service Centre, the Trio Shopping Centre, assisted living facilitities as well as at the local college. Examples of activities are sports, music, arts, crafts and literary art.

Pandemic Assistance

During the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions in 2020, a service concept for individuals over 80-years of age was created to ensure that they were managing well at their homes. Older people were contacted by phone and offered shopping assistance for grocery and pharmacy products. Those who could not be reached via phone were sent a letter to ask if they required help. If needed, older people were guided to relevant health or parish services for additional support.

Baseline Assessment


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