Adding life to years
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City of Durham

City of Durham

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City of Durham  United States of America
Print this page City population: 30152017 % over 60Joined Network in 2019

Durham County and the City of Durham are both dedicated to their shared mission of providing fiscally responsible, quality services necessary to promote a healthy, safe, and vibrant community. The vision of this vibrant community includes a thriving and diverse community with abundant opportunity for all residents to live, work, play, and grow. Goal 2 of the Durham County Strategic Plan aims to improve the quality of life across the lifespan through protecting the health of community, reducing barriers to access to services, and ensuring a network of integrated health and human services available to people in need. Strategy 2.2C within Goal 2 recommends developing an age-friendly community so everyone from birth to seniors can live well in Durham. The City of Durham’s strategic plan also includes a focus on building a community that allows residents to live, work, and play safely, free from harm and hazards as well as fostering a cohesive, engaged, and diverse community where residents have equitable access to community resources and the opportunity for a high quality of life.

Within the community, older adults in Durham benefit from the following community programs:

• City of Durham Parks and Recreation Mature Adult Program offers a host of programs and activities for individuals 55 years and older through travel, exercise classes, and classes.

• Durham Center for Senior Life offers a wide array of programs and services for older adults, including congregate meals, transportation, adult education, exercise classes, socialization, health promotion, caregiver support services, information referrals, and case assistance.

• Durham County Department of Social Services – Aging & Adult Services works to promote the independence and enhance the dignity of Durham’s older adults, persons with disabilities, and their families through a community-based system of opportunities, services, benefits, and protections such as adult protective services, community alternative program for disabled adults, crisis services, guardianship, in-home care, home delivered meals, and monitoring of adult care facilities and family care homes.

• Meals on Wheels of Durham delivers a nutritious meal, a safety check, and a smile that serves as a lifeline to seniors of limited mobility.

• Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Duke seeks to engage the minds, and elevate the spirit and wellbeing of its members through a wide range of educational programs and opportunities to volunteer service and social activities.

• Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of Durham County is a National Service Senior Corps project providing personalized volunteer placement and support in nonprofit and public agencies to meet vital community needs in Durham.

• Senior PharmAssist promotes healthier living for Durham seniors by helping them obtain and better manage needed medications, and by providing health education, Medicare insurance counseling, community referral, and advocacy.

Durham looks to become a more age-friendly community through its participation in the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities and developing a Durham Aging Plan (e.g., community action plan) that addresses the eight domains of livability.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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