Adding life to years
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City of Holly Springs

City of Holly Springs

Committed To Becoming More Age-Friendly

City of Holly Springs  United States of America
Print this page City population: 800030 % over 60Joined Network in 2018

Currently the City of Holly Springs provides funding to the local library which provides an excellent venue for older people to enjoy reading and access to computers. We also provide space in our Multipurpose building for older citizen’s recreational activities. Each morning groups of elderly residents meet with exercise and other activity leaders who lead activities such as simple indoor walking. We also co-sponsor health fairs that educate residents on proper diets and exercise, free flu shots and also health screenings at no charge. We are currently planning on building a new aquatic center that will offer recreational and cultural activites for seniors. The Mississippi State Extension Service hosts quilting, knitting, gardening and cooking camps for older residents. We have an annual Senior Citizen Day designed to recognize seniors for the value they bring to families, churches and the community as a whole. During the event we provide lunch, entertainment, informative and inspirational speakers and give-a¬ways. Our goal is to continue building on what we currently offer and add other age friendly cultural and recreational activities for our senior citizens. We would like to consider improving transportation options for seniors. We would also like to encourage more participation and opportunities for older residents to enjoy our museums and art galleries. he City of Holly Springs already has ongoing collaborative partnerships with many of the agencies already providing important services to order residents. We currently partner with agencies like the Marshall County Library, Mississippi State Extension Services, Rust College and several other state and local agencies to provide a more age friendly community. We have ample space for meetings and would welcome ideas from AARP as to how we could improve those services.

Baseline Assessment
Strategy and Action Plan


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